It was the best of years for extraordinary tastes crafted by extraordinary people, amidst the worst of years for many people in the hospitality industry.
But, in actual fact, when you get out on the road and traverse the country, and as you will see from the selection of incredible tastes that follows we have voyaged from Carrigart to Rosslare, from Glengarriff to Holywood, then Ireland becomes an extraordinary smorgasbord of sheer deliciousness.
We also voyaged to what we used to call The Continent, enjoying amazing tastes in Rome and in Berlin – our Berlin city guide will appear in 2025. But those journeys actually emphasise what we take to be a truth about Irish food: nothing tastes like the foods our best artisans produce, and which our best cooks transform.
Every year is a good year for good eating in Ireland, and 2024 was especially fine.